Abre tu reVISTA ACD LA HOYA 2021 (Νο3)

Abre tu reVISTA ACD LA HOYA 2021 (Νο3)Os presentamos la tercera revista de este año hecha por nuestros voluntarios! Esperamos que os guste!Podéis encontrar nuestra revista en ese link:https://en.calameo.com/read/005247239e0c69f2c7221———————————————————————Open your magazine ACD LA HOYA 2021 (Νο3)We present the third magazine of this year made by our volunteers. We hope you will like it!You can find our magazine in that link: https://en.calameo.com/read/005247239e0c69f2c7221#acdlahoya#lahoya#lafoia#ces#erasmus#revista